Panasonic India today debuted its first 2.5D curved display smartphone, the ELUGA Arc, available at a best buy price of Rs. 12,490. With curved displays going from futuristic to realistic, Panasonic, a leader in technology innovation, has designed a device to impress, with a 2.5D curved HD IPS display. The 4G mobile device also features additional security with a fingerprint sensor, which can be configured for 5 different fingerprints and commands, for one step screen unlocking, picking calls, launching applications, clicking selfies & can even lock individual apps for enhanced security of personal data.
Appealing to on-the-go professionals, the ELUGA Arc is enabled with Android for Work support which allows enhanced IT Security and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) compatibility for private smart devices to operate securely on corporate networks.. It comes loaded with 4G VoLTE Connectivity and Qualcomm Snapdragon processor for lightning-speed access to internet and smartphone operations anywhere, anytime. With India entering the era of home automation, the Arc has an inbuilt IR sensor which allows a user to give commands to IR based smart home appliances such as TVs, DVD players and ACs.
Conveying elegance and panache, the ELUGA Arc comes with a 2.5D curvature on a 4.7 inch screen with a sleek, unibody design. Its HD IPS display delivers great daylight readability and wider viewing angles and has an 8 MP rear camera with LED flash and a 5 MP front camera. The ELUGA Arc operates on Android 5.1 (Lollipop) topped with the FitHome user interface, which is engineered exclusively by Panasonic, providing single thumb-flick access to applications on the home screen. With hardware selectively integrated to meet data processing and simultaneous functionality, the arc is powered by a 1.2 GHz Quad Core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor with 2 GB RAM and 16 GB Internal memory, expandable up to 32 GB. Available in royal gold, the dual SIM smartphone holds a battery capacity of 1800 mAh with Optimized power management software ensuring longer operation where the Battery can be charged 75% faster with Qualcomm Quick Charge™ technology.
Commenting on the launch, Mr. Pankaj Rana, Business Head – Mobility Division, Panasonic India, said, “For smartphone users, a major concern is the confidentiality and security of the highly volatile data, with cloud storage usage growing rapidly across segments. This control-sensitive device, which achieves complex tasks with a single fingerprint is personalized for the user and protects the smartphone investment. Our first curved display device in the 4G/LTE series, the Arc is rich in technology innovation, including an inbuilt sensor to operate home automated appliances.”
Key Features – Eluga Arc
MODEL NAME | Panasonic ELUGA Arc |
DISPLAY SIZE, TYPE & RESOLUTION | 11.93cm(4.7)HD IPS 2.5D curved Display |
PROCESSOR | 1.2 GHz Quad-core Qualcomm snapdragon 410 Processor Qualcomm® Adreno™ 306 GPU |
OPERATING SYSTEM | Android™ 5.1 (Lollipop) |
MEMORY | 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM with expandable Micro SD up to 32GB |
CAMERA | 8 MP Rear Camera with LED Flash
5MP Front Camera |
BATTERY | 1800mAh Battery with Qualcomm Quick Charge™ 1.0 |
DIMENSIONS | 139mm x 67mm x 8.1 mm |
GSM- 900/1800/1900 UMTS- 900/2100 LTE-B3/ B40 with VoLTE support |
802.11b/g/n; Wi-Fi Hotspot & Wi-Fi Direct | |
Bluetooth™ 4.0& Micro USB 2.0 | |
Finger Print Sensor, Light Sensor, Proximity sensor & Accelerometer | |
INBOX ACCESSORIES | Device inclusive of Battery, USB Cable, Charger, Earphones, Warranty Card, User Manual, SIM insert pin, Protective Screen Guard |
About Panasonic India
Panasonic makes available in India its wide range of consumer electronics, home appliances like LCD & Plasma TVs, DVD players, Home Theatre Systems, Smartphones, Cameras, Camcorders, Car Audio Systems, Air Conditioners, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, Microwave Ovens, Automatic Cookers, Vacuum Cleaners and a wide range of system products including communication ones like Mobile Phones, High Definition Videoconferencing, Professional Audio Video products like Broadcast Cameras, Projectors and Displays, Business Solutions including Printers, Whiteboards, Security Solutions, and Energy Storage Solutions. The company currently has a workforce of about 13,000 in India. For more information on the company and the Panasonic brand in India, please visit