Cuspera – my new Chief Advisor for social media automation and engagement management

Apps And Software

If you have been following me on social media, twitter in particular, you will know that I tweet a lot and right through the day. There are a lot of people who follow, RT and respond to my tweets. The number of impressions I get on a monthly basis is between 85 and 90 million. Before you start thinking that this is a post where I am praising myself too much, I am just trying to tell you that I tweet a lot and interact with a lot of people. For me the key is in being able to manage the numbers and not miss out on the global time cycle.

Till recently, I used to manage all this manually and things used to get out of hand very frequently. There were key time slots when I was otherwise engaged or sleeping and missed out a good chunk of impressions, there were key people to whom I could not respond to due to time-zone differences. I then started to ask around in my circles for options in terms of good software tools that could make me more efficient. A lot of people told me all the customary answers. But when I got around to evaluating tools, it got very cumbersome and time consuming. Just looking for user testimonials and reviews was an impossible task. I was frustrated pretty soon and got very angry.

One of my friends who is an IT manager at a large technology enterprise suggested that I use– an amazing online resource in his words to help me. At first, I was skeptical about using a third party tool, then I gave in and gave it a shot. I am now a fully converted Cuspera team member.

Computer Support

Today is all about digital transformation and the challenge is finding a software that solves that problems one has. Choices are good, but we are in an era where there is a paradox of choice – there are so many options that the search is never ending and almost infinite.

Cuspera asked me a few simple questions, what I do, what am I looking for, what is my use for the tools that I am looking for and how much I can spend. These were just simple, precise and very easy to answer. After I answered them, the system then asked me a few more questions about what my targets are and what activities am I wanting to do with these tools. Then I was asked what kind of support I need for the tools. The questions were like a good friend asking me and once I had the answers, they gave me a short-list of software report that was detailed and comprehensive. I was curious on how does Cuspera do it? It turns our that they had an AI engine that went over all the software that solved my problem, poured over a lot of data including the product reviews, expert recommendations and finally came up with a bunch of recommendations. They claim 50 million data points and counting that they use to come up with the answers

The report had every possible option listed out with the key positives. I had the option of digging in deep into the available data that is collated and arranged logically. I could easily pick my favorite options and compare them one on one from every angle. So me and Cuspera started with 130 options and in under thirty minutes, I was able to narrow it down to 4 options and quickly select one.

Laptop in Office

The proof of the proverbial pudding is in the results and after I went with Cuspera’s suggestions, I was able to take my tweets from 35 million impressions and 120% engagement to 82 million impressions and 245% engagement. My tweets are still managed by me alone, but with help from the software recommended by Cuspera.

So every enterprise that I consult with and everyone who I talk to, I am very happily referring Cuspera and every one of them has come back with good results. I hardly endorse anything without solid reason, but I should tell you that Cuspera is my software discovery and MarTech tool of choice now. In other words, Cuspera is my Chief Advisor for Social Media Automation and Engagement Management.

About Shakthi

I am a Tech Blogger, Disability Activist, Keynote Speaker, Startup Mentor and Digital Branding Consultant. Also a McKinsey Executive Panel Member. Also known as @v_shakthi on twitter. Been around Tech for two decades now.

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