Gionee announced the launch of S6s, it’s first front flash smartphone in India. Equipped with a stunning 8 MP Front Camera with Selfie Flash (High CRI), a screen that lights up to brighten pictures regardless of the light conditions and finger print sensor, Gionee S6s promises to capture the best selfie moments, in a fast and convenient manner. It is future ready and supports both 4G and VoLTE. S6s will be available across India in colour variants of Mocha Gold and Latte Gold, at a price of 17,999 INR. It will also be available on Amazon, Gionee’s official online partner for S6s.
Arvind R.Vohra, MD & Country CEO, Gionee India said “Earlier this year, we announced our mission to “Make Smiles”, by launching products that are intuitive, future ready, stylish and high on performance. The S6s delivers on each of these parameters and will change the way India clicks selfies. We have an ambitious 3-fold target this year, and the flagship S6s will go a long way in helping us achieve those figures.”
Gionee S6s is truly the New Shining Selfie Sensation in India. Developed under the ‘making slim & shine to perfection’ product development philosophy, the S6s focuses on performance and user experience, encased in an ultra slim and stylish design. The pixel size of the front camera sensor is 1.4μm which can catch more light in the low-light conditions and make the picture much brighter. It is backed by a 13 MP rear camera with SONY IMX258 Sensor.
The Gionee S6s is a true ensemble of craft and elegance with a Solid and Gentle 2.5D water-drop Corning Gorilla Glass with Native Damage Resistance. With a crystal clear 13.97cm (5.5-inch) IPS FHD display, S6s infuses the interface experience with never before amazing visuals.
Power packed with a 3GB RAM, S6s now gives users every reason to say good bye to lagging. The 32 GB ROM and expandable memory up to 128 GB, allows one to keep everything on their phone memory with enough space to store music, movies, photos and more.
The Gionee S6s supports both 4G and VoLTE, allowing users to connect with the world at a faster speed. With an operating system of Amigo 3.2 and Android Marshmallow 6.0, the device is extremely stable and user friendly. The phone comes with a powerful 3150 mAh battery. S6s has several inbuilt features like Video Editor with themed and professional edits, Gallery Trash with helps you relocate and restore deleted photos in the Trash within 7 days, Gallery Hiding management, Desktop management, Image + (Face beauty, Real time filter, beauty editor) to record your life in a different way with more amazing features, Video beautification, Time lapse, Text Reorganization and macro quality pictures that allows better clarity.
Key Specifications:
- Display – 97cm (5.5) FHD IPS
- CPU- MTK6753 64bit Octa-core 1.3GHz
- RAM + ROM- 3GB+32GB (Expandable up to 128GB)
- Camera – 13MP+8MP
- Battery- 3150mAh
- Fingerprint- Yes
- Front Flash- Yes
- Android- 6.0
Established in 2002, Gionee Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech company engaging in mobile device designing, R&D, manufacturing, sales in global markets, and mobile internet application services. Today, Gionee sells over 25 million handsets per year worldwide and ranks No.10 in the world by smart phone market share. Gionee is moving fast in building solid brand channels in global markets especially in South Asia and Southeast Asia.